Monday, March 11, 2013

What Is Strong Flour?

People love baking bread at home more and more. There is a kind of magic in putting together flour and water and kneading, and home baking is also much cheaper than buying baked goods (bread in particular) at the supermarket. Flour industry has responded to this demand by making more flours available on the supermarket shelves.

In this article I will talk about wheat flour, the most used for breads all over the world. Historically, wheat is one of the first and most important cereals to be used by ancient civilizations. It first appeared almost 10000 years BC in the area in the Near East watered by rivers Tigris and Euphrates, called the Fertile crescent. Over the centuries, wheat started to be grown in other areas such as Europe and China. Worldwide, wheat is now produced for the most part in the European Union, mostly in Italy and France.

The seed (or kernel) of wheat is composed of three parts. The bran is the outer shell, and contains fibers and vitamins (especially B). The endosperm is a source for starch (a polysaccharide carbohydrate). The germ is small, but full of vitamin E and B and antioxidants. These three parts can be combined to obtain different kinds of flour.

Depending on the type of flour, the three parts are grounded together or separately. The flour obtained from the whole kernel is called wholemeal (or wholegrain). In this case the three parts are grounded together, but there can be also grounded separately to produce a particular kind of wholemeal flour. White flour is obtained from endosperm only, whereas germ flour is composed of the endosperm and the germ.

The proper flour to bake bread at home is (guess what) bread flour, or "strong" flour. The more you knead a dough made with strong flour, the more resistant (strong) and elastic it becomes. This is because kneading develops gluten, a proteic composite. Gluten prevents the molecules of carbon dioxide (produced by the action of yeast) from leaving the dough, leaving the bread with its typical holes inside once it is baked.

The higher the protein content, the stronger the flour. Ideally, percentage of protein should be 15% but 12% is also fine. If the protein is below 10%, it means that the flour is "soft" and should be used to prepare cakes. Apart from bread, strong flour is also used to prepare Italian dishes like pizza, focaccia, and fresh pasta.

You can find additional info at the following links:

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